Letter to the Editor, AZ Daily Star January 11, 2020
Published in Arizona Daily Star January 10, 2020
Say ‘no’ to TEP rate increase
Tucson Electric Power is asking for an increase in our electricity rates in order to cover their expenses on natural gas. This is completely wrong-minded in these perilous times of climate change that we are all witnessing. It is hotter and drier and fires are raging globally. The real heroic solution is for TEP to step up to 100% clean, safe, renewable energy as fast as possible and get completely off all gas, oil and coal-powered fuels which, in fact, are causing the climate crisis.
Please let the Arizona Corporation Commission know that you want TEP’s rate increase denied. And ask the ACC to increase the goals for reaching 100% renewable fuel sources required in our utilities by 2030.
Our climate crisis is a global emergency and requires an emergency response. Attend the ACC hearing on Jan. 13 at 10 a.m. here in Tucson at 400 W. Congress St., in hearing room 222 … and speak up.
Barbara Warren
North side